18 شهریور 1403
شعيب خانمحمدي

شعیب خانمحمدی

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
نشانی: کرمانشاه-بزرگراه امام خمینی(ره) - دانشگاه صنعتی کرمانشاه- دانشکده مهندسی- گروه مکانیک - کدپستی: 6715685420
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / مهندسی مکانیک
تلفن: 0833-8305001
دانشکده: دانشکده مهندسی

مشخصات پژوهش

Evaluation of the performance of anti-icing natural gas regulator in terms of heat transfer and hydrodynamics
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
COMSOL; Multiphysics; Anti-Icing; Regulator; Heat Exchanger
پژوهشگران محمد صادق کرمی (نفر اول)، شعیب خانمحمدی (نفر دوم)


In this study, frost-resistant regulators in terms of temperature and hydrodynamics in COMSOL Multiphysics software were investigated. The heat exchanger considered in this research was investigated from various aspects including changes in dimensions, location of the exchanger, the effect of changes in the temperature of the exchanger wall, as well as the effect of square and triangular fins. The results showed that by increasing the dimensions, both longitudinally and transversely, the efficiency of the heat exchanger increases. However, increasing the dimensions of the heat exchanger is slightly allowed due to limited space as well as the limitations of solid mechanics. Also increase the temperature of the heat exchanger wall causes Intense temperature gradients occur in the orifice area, which can be effective in melting the ice created in that wall. The presence of square and triangular fins can help increase efficiency and create a more intense temperature gradient in the orifice area. Square fins are more effective than triangular fins, although the maximum temperature difference in that area is about 3 Kelvin. The largest temperature gradient is between the temperature of the inlet gas and the temperature of the orifice bottleneck and is equal to 24 Kelvin. The maximum temperature of the heat exchanger wall is 523 K, which results in a temperature of 360 K in the orifice wall, which can lead to the melting of possible frost.