A multi-generation system including an absorption chiller, an organic flash cycle, a concentrated photovoltaic
module, a reverse osmosis unit, and thermoelectric modules are integrated to produce cooling, heating, electrical
power, and freshwater. The important parameters including energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, exergy
destruction rate, net output power, and electrical cost rate are identified. The behavior of main outputs are
examined with varying decision variables namely geothermal temperature, flash vessel inlet pressure, and pump
І outlet pressure. Thermal modeling of the proposed system indicates that the energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, and net output power are 5.46%, 20.16%, and 70.85 kW higher than the conventional system. Moreover,
exergo-economic outputs demonstrate that the thermoelectric generator module with 11.34 $/h and heat
exchanger 2 with 8.98 $/h have the maximum exergy destruction cost rate. Finally, according to different multiobjective optimization scenarios it is found that through the first scenario, the electricity cost rate shows the
minimum value of 108.4 $/h