September 8, 2024
Reza Hemmati

Reza Hemmati

Academic rank: Professor
Address: Imam Khomeini Highway, Kermanshah, Iran, Postal Code: 6715685420
Education: Ph.D in Electrical power engineering
Phone: 083-38305001
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering


Wind-hydrogen storage in distribution network expansion planning considering investment deferral and uncertainty
Type Article
Distribution network expansion planning; Hydrogen storage system; Investment deferral; Stochastic programming; Wind energy
Researchers Hasan Mehrjerdi، Reza Hemmati


With respect to the recent developments of hydrogen storage system (HSS), it is relevant to model these storage units in the network expansion planning. Also, most of the available expansion planning tools consider constant locations and sizing for renewable resources and only study the impacts of renewables on the model. It seems that considering variable location and capacity for renewable energies and finding their optimal levels may result in more flexible model. With regard to these issues, this paper presents distribution network expansion planning incorporating wind power and hydrogen storage. The optimal site and size of wind and hydrogen systems are denoted. The stochastic optimization programming is addressed to minimize the plan budgets. The purpose is to defer the investment and operating budgets. The uncertainty modeling is developed to handle the load-wind errors. The achievements demonstrate that the model finds optimal location, sizing, operation pattern, and setting for wind turbines and HSSs while the planning cost is deferred and minimized.