April 28, 2024
Mohammad Reza Omidi

Mohammad Reza Omidi

Academic rank:
Address: -
Education: Ph.D in Mathematics
Phone: 09183361576


Automatic Continuity on Fundamental Locally Multiplicative Topological Algebras
Type Article
fundamental topological algebra; FLM topological algebras; spectral radius; radius of boundedness; homomorphism. mappings
Researchers Mohammad Reza Omidi، Ali Panah Farajzadeh، Ebrahim Soori، Behrooz Olfatian Gillan


In this paper we prove some results about a new class of topological algebras namely fundamental and fundamental locally multiplicative topological algebras (abbreviated by FLM). Then we present essential results about FLM alge- bras. We also obtain some results on the automatic continuity of homomorphisms between FLM algebras.