2025 : 2 : 5
Shoaib Khanmohammadi

Shoaib Khanmohammadi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kermanshah University of Technology, Kermanshah, Iran
Phone: 0833-8305001


Energy and exergy analyses of a new integrated system for textile factory using geothermal energy source
Combined system Kalina cycle Textile factory Waste heat recovery system Energy efficiency
Journal ENERGY
Researchers Shoaib Khanmohammadi ، Morteza Saadat ، Amin Nabati


Employment of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels in the textile factory reduces the problems caused by fossil fuels. This paper conducts detailed modeling of a novel integrated textile factory and power system using geothermal energy. Energy and exergy analysis are done, and the effects of changes in critical parameters on the energy and exergy performance of the proposed system have been evaluated. In addition to find the best performance condition of the suggested system, a multi-criteria optimization is done. A creative waste heat recovery system (WHRS) is designed to recover the waste heat of the proposed cycle. Results obtained from the thermodynamic modeling are analyzed to find effects on energetic and exergetic performances of the proposed combined system with varying time. The results show that the drop in temperature of the water entering the reinjection well occurred when hot water was in demand for the textile factory. The temperature range of 90 Ce96 C are selected as temperature intervals for using WHRS. The maximum energy efficiency is about 6.2%, which is related to the time intervals when there is no demand for hot water in the textile factory. In the first three-time intervals that the WHRS is active, the energy efficiency increases from 3.38% to 4.6% and the exergy efficiency increases from 17.59% to 21.06%. According to the multi-objective optimization of Kalina cycle in the selected optimum condition the system energy efficiency and exergy destruction rate are 9.39% and 152.36 kW