This study investigated a solar-driven off-grid combined cooling and power system from an exergy and exergo-economic viewpoint for building applications. The system is composed of a transcritical CO2 cooling cycle, a Kalina power production turbine, an organic Rankine cycle as a bottom cycle to recover the waste heat, a PEM electrolyzer for hydrogen production, and a thermo-electric generator for waste heat recovery. The proposed energy system was meticulously modeled using the precise Engineering Equation Solver software, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our findings. The system was then optimized for optimal working conditions using the robust non-sorted genetic algorithm and MATLAB software, a process that instills confidence in the thoroughness of our research. A parametric study and analysis of the system in actual weather conditions for different geographical locations were carried out, further reinforcing the comprehensive nature of our work. The modeled solar collector was a non-evacuated tube parabolic trough collector unit, a testament to the attention to detail in our research. The collector unit utilizes the Cu-water nanofluid to transfer the solar energy to other system divisions. The system’s overall energy and exergy efficiency were 11.18 % and 10.93 %, respectively, for the primary operating condition. Accordingly, the PTC unit exergy destruction rate was 81.29 % of the total exergy destruction rate. The optimization results revealed that the optimal pressure of the high-pressure side of the CO2 cycle was about 17 MPa, and under this condition, the optimal exergy efficiency and sustainability index were 11.48 % and 1.13, respectively. Additionally, the parametric study for different geographical locations revealed that the proposed system could provide a sustainability index of 1.142 for Istanbul City in July, 13.93 % energy efficiency for Bushehr City in June, and 14.1 % energy efficiency for Doha City in September.