2025 : 3 : 9
Somayeh Behzad
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Basic and Applied Sciences
somayeh.behzad [at] gmail.com
Research activities
Research activities
Journal Papers
Comparative study of electronic, thermoelectric, and transport properties in germanene and carbon nanotubes
Somayeh Behzad (2025)
Monolayer and bilayer BP as efficient optoelectronic materials in visible and ultraviolet regions
Somayeh Behzad (2024)
Strategies to optimize the intricate thermoelectric properties of 2D tetragonal silicene for energy harvesting: a computational modeling approach
Somayeh Behzad (2024)
A hybrid density functional study of tensile-induced changes in phonon dispersion, electronic structure and optical absorption of bilayer BN for optoelectronic applications
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2024)
Tunability of electronic and thermoelectric properties of hexagonal boron nitride with carbon impurities under magnetic field: Tight binding investigation
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2024)
The evolution of penta-graphene thermoelectrics: External fields as a key enabler for High-Performance devices
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2024)
Tailoring thermoelectric properties through carbon doping and magnetic field variation: A comparative study in 2D h-BN and h-SiC
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2024)
Investigation of effects of interlayer interaction and biaxial strain on the phonon dispersion and dielectric response of hexagonal boron arsenide
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2023)
Optimizing thermoelectric performance of carbon-doped h-BN monolayers through tuning carrier concentrations and magnetic field
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2023)
Tetragonal silicene: A study of field-dependent transport responses
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad, Ahmad I.Ayesh (2023)
Engineering the light absorption spectrum and electronic properties of black and blue phases of a SiSe monolayer via biaxial straining
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2023)
Penta graphene: Investigating the role of external fields and electron/hole doping in enhancing transport performance
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2023)
Improvement of thermal conductivity in carbon doped BNNTs by electric field
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2022)
Investigation of Electronic Properties and Dielectric Response of Two-Dimensional Germanium Selenide with Puckered and Buckled Structures
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2022)
First principles study of biaxially deformed hexagonal buckled XS (X=Ge and Si) monolayers with light absorption in the visible region
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2022)
Controlling the thermoelectric behaviors of biased silicene via the magnetic field: Tight binding model
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2022)
Controlling electrical and thermoelectric properties of bilayer SiC by bias voltage
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2021)
The effects of electric field on electronic and thermal properties of bilayer boron phosphide: Beyond nearest neighbor approximation
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2020)
First-principles study of the band structure and optical spectra of germanium carbide under mechanical strain
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2020)
Tunable Electronic, Optical, and Thermal Properties of two- dimensional Germanene via an external electric field
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2020)
Effect of vertical electric field on the band dispersion and dielectric response of bilayer germanium carbide
Somayeh Behzad (2019)
Tight binding theory of thermal conductivity of doped carbon nanotube
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2019)
Engineering thermal and electrical properties of B/N doped carbon nanotubes: Tight binding approximation
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2019)
Direct to indirect band gap transition in two-dimensional germanium carbide through Si substitution
Somayeh Behzad (2019)
Strain-induced band gap tuning in α-graphyne on its boron nitride analog substrate
Somayeh Behzad (2019)
Effect of uni-axial and bi-axial strains and vertical electric field on free standing buckled germanene
Somayeh Behzad (2018)
Thermal properties of biased bilayer graphene and boron nitride nanoribbons
Somayeh Behzad (2018)
Thermal conductivity, heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility of graphene and boron nitride nanoribbons
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2018)
Effect of In-Plane Biaxial Strain on the Dirac Cone in α-Graphyne and Band Gap in α-BNyne
Somayeh Behzad (2018)
Strain engineering of band dispersion and dielectric response of monolayer and bilayer AlN
Somayeh Behzad (2018)
Monolayer Boron Nitride Substrate Interactions with Graphene Under In-Plane and Perpendicular Strains: A First-Principles Study
Somayeh Behzad (2018)
Mechanical control of the electro-optical properties of monolayer and bilayer BC3 by applying the in-plane biaxial strain
Somayeh Behzad (2017)
Effects of strain and thickness on the electronic and optical behaviors of two-dimensional hexagonal gallium nitride
Somayeh Behzad (2017)
Structural and electro-optical properties of bilayergraphyne like BN sheet
Somayeh Behzad (2016)
Ab-initio calculationofelectronicstructureandopticalproperties of AB-stackedbilayer α-graphyne
Somayeh Behzad (2016)
Ab initio study of electronic properties and dielectric response of graphyne-like boron nitride sheet
Somayeh Behzad (2016)
First principles study of electronic properties, interband transitions and electron energy loss of α-graphyne
Somayeh Behzad (2016)
Magnetic Field-Induced Splitting of Optical Spectra in Silicon Nanotubes: Tight Binding Calculations
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2016)
Electronic structure, optical absorption and energy loss spectra of GaN graphitic sheet
Somayeh Behzad (2015)
Effects of inter-tube coupling on the electro-optical properties of silicon carbide nanotube bundles studied by density functional theory
Somayeh Behzad (2015)
Electronic structure and optical properties of boron nitride nanotube bundles from first principles
Somayeh Behzad (2015)
Theroretical study of the influence of the electric field on the electronic properties of armchair boron nitride nanoribbon
Raad Chegel, Somayeh Behzad (2014)
Theoretical exploration of structural electro-optical and magnetic properties of gallium-doped silicon carbide nanotubes
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel, Rostam Moradian, Masoud Shahrokhi (2014)
Conference Papers
Investigation of phonon dispersion spectrum and electron energy loss spectrum of monolayer silicon carbide
Somayeh Behzad, parya tabeshipour (2019)
Effects of electric fields on the thermal conductivity of BN Nanoribbons
Somayeh Behzad, Raad Chegel (2018)
Investigation of phonon dispersion and strain effects in graphene
Somayeh Behzad (2018)
Effect of Perpendicular Electric Field on the Band Gap and Optical Absorption of Silicene Sheet
Somayeh Behzad (2018)
First principles study of band dispersion and dielectric response of planar and buckled silicene
Somayeh Behzad (2017)
Two-Dimensional Gallium Nitride
Somayeh Behzad (2020)