2025 : 3 : 11
Majid Mohadesi

Majid Mohadesi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engeenring, Kermanshah University of Technology (KUT), Imam Khomeini Highway, Kermanshah, Iran
Phone: 083-38305000 (1167, 1025)


  • PhD. in Chemical Engineering , Razi , Iran (2010 - 2014)
    Thesis title: Preparation and characterization of optimal basic heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production
  • BSc. in Chemical Engineering , Razi , Iran (2004 - 2008)
    Thesis title: Calculation of the average properties of crude oil and gas condensate using different methods
  • MSc. in Chemical Engineering , Sharif University of Technology , Iran (2008 - 2010)
    Thesis title: Kinetically investigation of catalyst deactivation in catalytic reforming process

Research activities

Journal Papers
Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil in a micro-sized reactor in the presence of cow bone-based KOH catalyst Babak Aghel, Majid Mohadesi, Mohammad Hamed Razmehgir, Ashkan Gouran (2023)
Purification of glycerol using organic solvent extraction in a microreactor Hosnie-Sadat Mousavi, Masoud Rahimi, Majid Mohadesi (2022)
Transesterification of waste cooking oil using Clay/CaO as a solid base catalyst Majid Mohadesi, Babak Aghel, Ashkan Gouran, Mohammad Hamed Razmehgir (2022)
COD Reduction in Petrochemical Wastewater Using the Solar Photo-Fenton Process Majid Mohadesi, Babak Aghel, Mohammad Hamed Razmehgir (2021)
Biodiesel production using low cost material as high effective catalyst in a microreactor Majid Mohadesi, Ashkan Gouran, Amir Dehghan Dehnavi (2021)
Use of modified Iranian clinoptilolite zeolite for cadmium and lead removal from oil refinery wastewater Babak Aghel, Majid Mohadesi, Ashkan Gouran, Mohammad Hamed Razmehgir (2020)
PSO-ANFIS and ANN Modeling of Propane/Propylene Separation using Cu-BTC Adsorbent Sohrab Fathi, Abbas Rezaei, Majid Mohadesi, mona nazari (2019)
Soybean Oil Transesterification Reactions in the Presence of Mussel Shell: Pseudo-First Order Kinetics Majid Mohadesi, Gholamreza Moradi, Yegane Davoodbeygi, Shokoufe Hosseini (2018)
New Heterogeneous Process for Continuous Biodiesel Production in Microreactors Babak Aghel, Majid Mohadesi, sasan sahraee, Mehrdad Shariatifar (2017)
Biodiesel: A Cost-effective Fuel Using Waste Materials Majid Mohadesi, Gholamreza Moradi (2017)
Optimization of biodiesel production process in a continuous microchannel using response surface methodology Majid Mohadesi, Babak Aghel, Mohammad Hassan Khademi, sasan sahraee (2017)
DM Water Plant Sedimentation as a Cheap and Waste Source of Catalyst for Biodiesel Production Gholamreza Moradi, Majid Mohadesi, Shokoufe Hosseini, Yegane Davoodbeygi, Ramin Moradi (2016)
Using Artificial Neural Network for Estimation of Density and Viscosities of Biodiesel–Diesel Blends Bita Karami, Majid Mohadesi, Gholamreza Moradi, Ramin Moradi (2015)
Biodiesel Production using CaO/-Al2O3 Catalyst Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method Gholamreza Moradi, Majid Mohadesi, Raziye Rezaei, Ramin Moradi (2015)
Kinetic comparison of two basic heterogenous catalysts obtained from sustainable resources for transesterification of waste cooking oil Gholamreza Moradi, Majid Mohadesi, Maryam Ghanbari, Mohammad Jafar Moradi, Shokoufe Hosseini, Yegane Davoodbeygi (2015)
Kinetics of transesterification reaction using CaO/AL2O3 catalyst synthesized by sol‐gel method Gholamreza Moradi, Yegane Davoodbeygi, Majid Mohadesi, Shokoufe Hosseini (2015)
Estimation of Binary Infinite Dilute Diffusion Coefficient Using Artificial Neural Network Majid Mohadesi, Gholamreza Moradi, Hosnie-Sadat Mousavi (2014)
Biodiesel production by CaO/SiO2 catalyst synthesized by the sol–gel process Gholamreza Moradi, Majid Mohadesi, Zahra Hojabri (2014)
Prediction of wax disappearance temperature using artificial neural networks Gholamreza Moradi, Majid Mohadesi, Mohammad Reza Moradi (2013)
Optimization of biodiesel production using waste mussel shell catalyst Raziye Rezaei, Majid Mohadesi, Gholamreza Moradi (2013)
Conference Papers
Investigation of photochemical smog episode in Tehran city Gholamreza Moradi, Chyia Savari, Majid Mohadesi, Vahid HosseinPour (2010)
Kinetic Modeling of Naphtha Catalytic Reforming Reactions Majid Mohadesi, Chyia Savari, Gholamreza Moradi (2010)


  • شهين نادري
    Name: Shahin Naderi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Optimization of hydrochar produced from acorn for malachite green wastewater treatment
  • سميرا رحمتي اصل
    Name: Samira Rahmati Asl
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Use of eggshell based on biochar from conifer cone as a catalyst in the biodiesel production process
  • اشكان گوران
    Name: Ashkan Gouran
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Fabrication of photocatalytic composite based on activated carbon and its application in removing pharmaceutical pollutants from aqueous solution
  • زهرا عنبريان
    Name: Zahra Anbarian
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Use and recovery of heterogeneous catalysts based on activated carbon for biodiesel production from waste oils
  • ايثار روحاني
    Name: Isar Rohani
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Use of iron oxide supported on biochar produced from citrus peel (lemon and sour lemon) in a photocatalytic process to remove ibuprofen from synthetic effluent
  • وحيد نوري
    Name: Vahid Nouri
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil using heterogeneous catalysts from different sources of calcium oxide based on Clinoptilolite
  • روزيتا مرادي
    Name: Rozita Moradi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Mercury Removal from Industrial Wastewater of Gold Purification using Activated Carbon from Natural Shells
  • عليرضا فرهادي
    Name: Alireza Farhadi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Biosystem Mechanical Engineering
  • مريم سليمي
    Name: Maryam Salimi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Biosystem Mechanical Engineering
    Thesis: Estimation of the percentage of biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil and Rosemary oil (sesame base oil) by using of image processing and refractometer
  • علي غلامي
    Name: Ali Gholami
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Renewable Energies Engineering
    Thesis: Biodiesel production from Norouzak oil using a microchannel reactor and ionic liquid catalyst
  • حسنيه السادات موسوي
    Name: Hosnie Sadat Mousavi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Glycerin Purification from Biodiesel Product by Different Solvents in a micro- scale extractor
  • ندا شريفي
    Name: Neda Sharifi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Dye Removal from Wastewater of Textile Industries using of Solar Photo-Fenton Method
  • فائزه شهبازي
    Name: Faezeh Shahbazi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the three-component system (water, propionic acid, cyclic alcohols)
  • رکسانا رضایی
    Name: Roxana Rezaei
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: The performance of biochar produced from olive kernel in the treatment of wastewater containing diclofenac
  • شهین نادری
    Name: Shahin Naderi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Optimization of hydrochar produced from acorn for malachite green wastewater treatment
  • ایثار روحانی
    Name: Isar Rouhani
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Use of iron oxide supported on biochar produced from citrus peel (lemon and sour lemon) in a photocatalytic process to remove ibuprofen from synthetic effluent
  • سمیرا رحمتی اصل
    Name: Samira Rahmati Asl
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Use of eggshell based on biochar from tree pine fruit as a catalyst in the biodiesel production process
  • زهرا عنبریان
    Name: Zahra Anbarian
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Use and recovery of heterogeneous catalysts based on activated carbon for biodiesel production from waste oils
  • سمیه حیدری
    Name: Somayeh Heydari
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Removal of methyl red dye from synthetic wastewater using photocatalytic processRemoval of methyl red dye from synthetic wastewater using photocatalytic process
  • اشکان گوران
    Name: Ashkan Gouran
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Preparation of photocatalytic composite based on activated carbon and its application in removing pharmaceutical pollutants from aqueous solution
  • وحید نوری
    Name: Vahid Nouri
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil using heterogeneous catalysts from different sources of calcium oxide based on Clinoptilolite
  • رزیتا مرادی
    Name: Rozita Moradi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Mercury Removal from Industrial Wastewater of Gold Purification using Activated Carbon from Natural Shells
  • ندا شریفی
    Name: Neda Sharifi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Dye Removal from TextileWastewater by Solar Photo-Fenton Method
  • فائزه شهبازی
    Name: Faezeh Shahbazi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Chemical Engineering
    Thesis: Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the three-component system (water, propionic acid, cyclic alcohols)

Executive activities

  • Vice-President, Administration and Finance (1399 - present)
  • Vice-President, Students and Cultural (1397 - 1399)