2025 : 2 : 5
Reza Hemmati

Reza Hemmati

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering
Address: Imam Khomeini Highway, Kermanshah, Iran, Postal Code: 6715685420
Phone: 083-38305001


Maximizing DISCO profit in active distribution networks by optimal planning of energy storage systems and distributed generators
Active distribution network Deregulated electricity market Distributed generators Energy storage system planning Reactive power
Researchers Hedayat Saboori ، Reza Hemmati


Energy storage systems (ESSs) are generally planned based on the active power. While, reactive power is another important aspect of the ESSs that has not been adequately addressed and discussed. Moreover, ESSs are often managed individually, but coordinated planning on the ESSs and distributed generators (DGs) mayresult in more suitable outcomes. In order to address these issues, a coordinated ESS and DG planning is presented in this paper. In the proposed planning, the place and capacity of the ESSs and DGs are determined atthe same time. The active and reactive powers are included in the planning for both the ESSs and DGs. In other words, the optimal active and reactive capacities are denoted for both the ESSs and DGs on the network. The proposed coordinated ESS and DG planning is carried out on a radial distribution network under deregulatedelectricity market. Objective function of the proposed planning is to maximize the profit of distribution company (DISCO) subject to the secure operation of the network. The planning is expressed as a nonlinear, mixed integer optimization problem and solved by advanced PSO as a strong Meta-heuristic optimization technique. Simulation results demonstrate the great impacts of the proposed planning on the network. The results demonstrate the priority of the proposed coordinated DG and ESS planning compared to the individual ESS planning. Additionally, it is verified that considering reactive power of the DGs and ESSs changes the results of the planning and provides more realistic and reasonable outputs. The proposed planning significantly increases DISCO profit while guarantees the safe operation of the network through satisfying several security constraints