2025 : 2 : 5
Reza Hemmati

Reza Hemmati

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering
Address: Imam Khomeini Highway, Kermanshah, Iran, Postal Code: 6715685420
Phone: 083-38305001


Mobile model for distributed generations and battery energy storage systems in radial grids
Mobile model; distributed generations; battery energy storage systems
Journal Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Researchers Reza Hemmati


In this paper, mobile distributed generations (DGs) and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are modeled and integrated into the network. The optimal locations of DGs and BESSs are determined for each season over the year, and the installed DG-energy storage system (ESS) may be transferred to new buses at each season. The methodology is simulated on a radial electrical distribution network, and the location, size, and hourly operation of DGs and ESSs are optimized. DC power flow is adopted to model the power flow in the grid. In the DC power flow, the active power losses in the lines and reactive power of the loads are not included. Since the network is radial and the modeling is lossless, it is expected that the DGs and BESSs cannot present their positive abilities efficiently. Four cases are simulated including case 1: network without BESSs and DGs; case 2: fixed operation pattern and location for BESSs and DGs under all seasons; case 3: variable operation pattern and fixed location for BESSs and DGs under all seasons; and case 4: variable operation pattern and location for BESSs and DGs under all seasons. The planning installs one 0.0470 p.u. DG and one 0.0202 p.u. BESS on the network, resulting in 0.5 Million $/year reduction in the costs. However, the results verify that changing locations of the DGs and BESSs cannot have significant impacts on the results. This point confirms that the application of DC power flow in radial distribution networks is not suitable and cannot develop all advantages of BESSs and DGs.