2025 : 2 : 5
Reza Hemmati

Reza Hemmati

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering
Address: Imam Khomeini Highway, Kermanshah, Iran, Postal Code: 6715685420
Phone: 083-38305001


Standalone hybrid power-hydrogen system incorporating daily-seasonal green hydrogen storage and hydrogen refueling station
Electric vehicle Fuelcell vehicle Integrated electricity-hydrogen system Renewable energy
Journal ENERGY
Researchers Reza Hemmati ، Seyyed Mohammad Bornapour ، Hedayat Saboori


In light of the recent developments in the green hydrogen industry, it is essential to investigate its compatibility and integration with existing electrical grids. This task becomes more challenging when considering its implementation in off-grid sites that solely rely on renewable energy. In cases where off-grid sites should provide electricity and hydrogen to a variety of consumers, it is compulsory to have electrical and hydrogen storage devices with long-term storage capabilities. Consequently, a precise programming technique is necessary to manage the storage and consumption of hydrogen and electricity. To investigate such a model, this paper presents a connected electricity-hydrogen grid in which all the required energy is supplied by solar and hydroelectric units. This off-grid system supplies the necessary energy for industrial and residential loads, electric vehicle charging stations, fuelcell car refueling stations, and natural gas pipelines. The power-to-hydrogen (P2H) and hydrogen-to-power (H2P) systems are used to facilitate energy flow between the electrical and hydrogen sectors. A daily-seasonal hydrogen storage is integrated as well. The proposed method contributes by integrating and improving the modeling, management, optimization, and operation of the daily-seasonal hydrogen storage and electrical storage. Its primary objective is to supply electricity and hydrogen to various consumers using solely renewable energy, even in the face of renewable energy fluctuations and outages. The model is mathematically expressed as a mixed integer linear optimization, implemented in GAMS software, and solved by the CPLEX solver. It aims at maximizing profit from selling electricity and hydrogen to the users. Results demonstrate that P2H and H2P units have a complementary operation with the solar system. When there is abundant solar energy, the P2H converts excess clean energy to green hydrogen and H2P operates when solar energy is not available. Seasonal storag