2025 : 2 : 5
Reza Hemmati

Reza Hemmati

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering
Address: Imam Khomeini Highway, Kermanshah, Iran, Postal Code: 6715685420
Phone: 083-38305001


Centralized Multifunctional Control of Integrated Electricity-Gas Network in District Energy System Considering Resilience
Integrated Electricity and Gas System , District Energy System , Central Battery , Central Fuel Cell , Resilience
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Researchers Hossein Faraji ، Reza Hemmati


District energy systems (DESs) and integrated electricity-gas systems (IEGSs) are closely related. The performance of these systems under critical situations, such as faults and equipment outages, has not been adequately investigated. The operation of DESs may also be significantly affected by installing central generating systems for gas or electricity sectors. These central generating units may deal with outages and faults. In the literature, there is not a comprehensive model that considers renewables in IEGS, uncertainties of generating systems, mutual connection between electricity and gas sub-grids, ability of exchanging power with upstream grid, centralized storage device for electrical sector, and centralized power supply for gas sector. All these points are considered and modeled in the proposed model. This paper presents several multi-purpose control strategies for DES that are designed and implemented on an IEGS. Electricity and thermal loads are used to model the DES energy needs. In the electricity subsystem, by using several local renewable energy sources (RESs) and a central battery, not only the electric loads are supplied, but also the DES can be connected to the upstream grid and trade the scheduled power in accordance with the electricity market contract in all normal and critical conditions. On the other hand, the gas subsystem is powered by a central fuel cell. Gas and electricity subsystems in the DES region are designed to assist each other during outages and events in order to increase the resilience. All RESs, central battery, and fuel cell are equipped with individual controllers to achieve the above objectives. A centralized control framework is used to manage all these controllers under a variety of operating conditions. Numerical simulations in MATLAB software verify the model ability to control DES and IEGS properly.