2025 : 3 : 14
Mehdi Ranjbar Roeintan

Mehdi Ranjbar Roeintan

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kermanshah University of Technology, Kermanshah, Iran
Phone: داخلی 1157


  • PhD. in Mechanical Engineering (Solid Mechanics) , Razi University , Iran (2014 - 2018)
    Thesis title: Analysis of low velocity impact on axially functionally graded composite beams reinforced by carbon nanotubes
  • BSc. in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Design) , Tarbiat Modares , Iran (2010 - 2012)
    Thesis title: Analysis on the derailment of a dual-bogie railway vehicle in a curve

Research activities

Journal Papers
Impact analysis on curved sandwich beam using numerical simulation Mehdi Ranjbar Roeintan, Mohammad Hadi Larty (2023)
Multi-layer polymer beam reinforced by graphene platelets on low velocity impact response Mohammed Salih Hassan, Haideer Taleb Shomran, Abbas Allawi Abbas, Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob, Manar Hamid Jasim, Mehdi Ranjbar Roeintan (2021)
Effect of graphene on the methyl methacrylate beam under lateral low-velocity impact Raed Salman Saeed Alhusseini, Ali Sadik Gafer Qanber, Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob, Manar Hamid Jasim, Mehdi Ranjbar Roeintan (2020)
Conference Papers
Condition Monitoring of an Amine Pump: Experimental and Numerical Analysis Mohsen Karimkhany, Mohammad Kazem Amirinejhad, Mehdi Ranjbar Roeintan (2016)
Lateral stability analysis of high-speed railway vehicle on curve Mehdi Ranjbar Roeintan, Mohammad Reza Ghazavi (2012)