2025 : 3 : 9
Abdulhamid Zahedi

Abdulhamid Zahedi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering


  • BSc. in Electrical Engineering-Communications , Science and Research Branch, Tehran , Iran (2009 - 2013)
    Thesis title: Multiuser detection in DS-CDMA communication systems using modified genetic Algorithm-Depth-First Tree Search
  • PhD. in Electrical Engineering-Communications , Shahed University, Tehran , Iran (2005 - 2008)
    Thesis title: a new algorithm for Frame synchronization in OFDM systems
  • MSc. in Electrical Engineering , Amirkabir university (Poly technique) , Iran (2001 - 2005)
    Thesis title: Diver recognition using Hologram and Zernike moment (image processing)

Research activities

Journal Papers
A microstrip lowpass filter with sharp roll-off using arrow-shaped resonators and high-impedance open stubs Seyed Hamed Kazemi, Milad Ghanbarpour, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Mohsen Hayati (2021)
Performance Analysis of Mobile Broadband Networks With 5G Trends and Beyond: Rural Areas Scope in Malaysia ibrahim shayea, mustafa Ergen, Marwan Hadri Azmi, Dalia Nandi, Ayman Elsalah, Abdulhamid Zahedi (2020)
Gain-controlled noise-reduction LNA design using source-bulk resistors and double common-source topology farzad daryabari, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Abbas Rezaei, Mohsen Hayati (2019)
Multiplierless Digital Implementation of Time-Varying FitzHugh–Nagumo Model Abdulhamid Zahedi, Saeed haghiri, Mohsen Hayati (2019)
Design and Simulation of Optical 4-Channel Demultiplexer Using Photonic Crystals Abdulhamid Zahedi, Fariborz Parandin, Mohammad mehdi karkhanehchi, hossein habibi shams, sahbasadat rajamand (2019)
Multiplierless Implementation of Noisy Izhikevich Neuron With Low-Cost Digital Design Saeed haghiri, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Ali Naderi, Arash Ahmadi (2018)
Design of a high bitrate optical decoder based on photonic crystals Fariborz Parandin, Mohammad mehdi karkhanehchi, Mosayeb Naseri, Abdulhamid Zahedi (2018)
Correction to: Energy Efficient Reservation-Based Cluster Head Selection in WSNs Mahdi Arghavani, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Fariborz Parandin, Abbas Arghavani (2018)
Reconfigurable all-optical NOT, XOR, and NOR logic gates based on two dimensional photonic crystals Fariborz Parandin, reza malmir, Mosayeb Naseri, Abdulhamid Zahedi (2018)
Line defects on As2Se3-Chalcogenide photonic crystals for the design of all-optical power splitters and digital logic gates Hamed Saghaei, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Rouhollah Karimzadeh, Fariborz Parandin (2017)
Design of an all optical half-adder based on 2D photonic crystals Mohammad mehdi karkhanehchi, Fariborz Parandin, Abdulhamid Zahedi (2017)
Simultaneous energy harvesting and information processing in wireless multiple relays with multiple antennas Azhar Albaaj,, Seyed Vahab AL-Din MAKKI, Qassem Alabkhat, Abdulhamid Zahedi (2017)
Parameter Identification of a Chaotic Circuit with a Hidden Attractor Using Krill Herd Optimization Shirin Panahi, Sajad Jafari, Viet- Thanh Pham, Sifeu Takougang Kingni, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Seyed Hassan Sedighy (2016)
Conference Papers
Adaptive Buffer Size Management in VOIP Networks Using the Quality Sense of Service Abdulhamid Zahedi, Raziyeh Abbasi, MohammadAmin Imani, MohammadSajad eimani (2016)


  • آزاده نوروزي كنگرشاهي
    Name: Azadeh Norouzi Kangarshahi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Electrical Engineering-Analog Electronic RF Device
    Thesis: Doherty-based PA design based on class-E and class-C
  • فرزاد درياباري
    Name: Farzad Daryabari
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Electrical Engineering-Analog Electronic RF Device
    Thesis: UWB-band LNA design with high gain and improved linearity