2025 : 3 : 9
Ali Naderi

Ali Naderi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering
Address: Kermanshah university of technology, Imam Komeini BLVD, Kermanshah city
Phone: 08338305008

Research activities

Journal Papers
Efficient Digital Realization of Endocrine Pancreatic β-Cells Milad Ghanbarpour, Ali Naderi, Saeed haghiri, Behzad Ghanbari, Arash Ahmadi (2023)
Implementation of Cardiac Purkinje Fiber Cells Model: High Speed and Low Cost Hardware Mahsa Salimi Mansouri, Ali Naderi, Behzad Ghanbari (2022)
An Efficient Digital Realization of Retinal Light Adaptation in Cone Photoreceptors Milad Ghanbarpour, Ali Naderi, Saeed haghiri, Arash Ahmadi (2021)
Multiplierless Implementation of Noisy Izhikevich Neuron With Low-Cost Digital Design Saeed haghiri, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Ali Naderi, Arash Ahmadi (2018)
Conference Papers