2025 : 3 : 9
Ali Naderi
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering
Kermanshah university of technology, Imam Komeini BLVD, Kermanshah city
a.naderi [at] kut.ac.ir
Research activities
Research activities
Journal Papers
Digital Hardware Implementation of Morris-Lecar, Izhikevich, and Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Models With High Accuracy and Low Resources
Milad Ghanbarpour, Ali Naderi, Behzad Ghanbari, Saeed haghiri, Arash Ahmadi (2023)
Efficient Digital Realization of Endocrine Pancreatic β-Cells
Milad Ghanbarpour, Ali Naderi, Saeed haghiri, Behzad Ghanbari, Arash Ahmadi (2023)
A novel metal–semiconductor device to enhance the current and unilateral power gains and 0 dB frequencies by SiO2 insertion in drift region
amir abdi, Ali Naderi (2022)
Embedded metal and L-shaped oxide layers in silicon on insulator MESFETs: higher electric field tolerance and lower high frequency gate capacitances
Elham Farahzad, Ali Naderi (2022)
Implementation of Cardiac Purkinje Fiber Cells Model: High Speed and Low Cost Hardware
Mahsa Salimi Mansouri, Ali Naderi, Behzad Ghanbari (2022)
An Efficient Digital Realization of Retinal Light Adaptation in Cone Photoreceptors
Milad Ghanbarpour, Ali Naderi, Saeed haghiri, Arash Ahmadi (2021)
DC and RF characteristics improvement in SOI-MESFETs by inserting additional SiO2 layers and symmetric Si wells
sasan khanjar, Ali Naderi (2021)
Shifted gate electrode of silicon on insulator metal semiconductor FETs to amend the breakdown and transconductance
Ali Naderi, Hamed Mohammadi (2021)
Proposal of a doping-less tunneling carbon nanotube field-effect transistor
Maryam Ghodrati, Ali Mir, Ali Naderi (2021)
High Speed and Low Digital Resources Implementation of Hodgkin-Huxley Neuronal Model Using Base-2 Functions
Saeed haghiri, Ali Naderi, Behzad Ghanbari, Arash Ahmadi (2021)
Embedding Two P+ Pockets in the Buried Oxide of Nano Silicon on Insulator MOSFETs: Controlled Short Channel Effects and Electric Field
Zahra Aghaeipour, Ali Naderi (2020)
New structure of tunneling carbon nanotube FET with electrical junction in part of drain region and step impurity distribution pattern
Maryam Ghodrati, Ali Mir, Ali Naderi (2020)
Reduction in Self-Heating Effect of SOI MOSFETs by Three Vertical 4H-SiC Layers in the BOX
Behrooz Abdi Tahne, Ali Naderi, fateme heirani (2020)
The use of a Gaussian doping distribution in the channel region to improve the performance of a tunneling carbon nanotube field-effect transistor
Ali Naderi, Maryam Ghodrati, Sobhi Baniardalani (2020)
Multiplierless Implementation of Noisy Izhikevich Neuron With Low-Cost Digital Design
Saeed haghiri, Abdulhamid Zahedi, Ali Naderi, Arash Ahmadi (2018)
SOI-MESFET with a layer of metal in buried oxide and a layer of SiO2 in channel to improve RF and breakdown characteristics
Ali Naderi, kamran moradi satari, fateme heirani (2018)
An efficient structure for T-CNTFETs with intrinsic-n-doped impurity distribution pattern in drain region
Ali Naderi, Maryam Ghodrati (2018)
High breakdown voltage and high driving current in a novel silicon-on-insulator MESFET with high- and low-resistance boxes in the drift region
Ali Naderi, Hamed Mohammadi (2018)
A novel SOI-MESFET with symmetrical oxide boxes at both sides of gate and extended drift region into the buried oxide
Ali Naderi, fateme heirani (2018)
"Cut Off Frequency Variation by Ambient Heating in Tunneling p-i-n CNTFETs"
Ali Naderi, Maryam Ghodrati (2018)
Improvement in the performance of graphene nanoribbon p-i-n tunneling field effect transistors by applying lightly doped profile on drain region
Ali Naderi (2018)
A novel SOI-MESFET with parallel oxide-metal layers for high voltage and radio frequency applications
Hamed Mohammadi, Ali Naderi (2018)
Improving band-to-band tunneling in a tunneling carbon nanotube field effect transistor by multi-level development of impurities in the drain region
Ali Naderi, Maryam Ghodrati (2017)
Improvement in the performance of SOI-MESFETs by T-shaped oxide part at channel region: DC and RF characteristics
Ali Naderi, fateme heirani (2017)
and bending engineering in p-i-n gate all around Carbon nanotube feld effect transistors by multi-segment gate
Ali Naderi, Behrooz Abdi Tahne (2017)
Higher Current Ratio and Improved Ambipolar Behavior in Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistors by Symmetric Pocket Doping Profile
Ali Naderi (2016)
Review—Methods in Improving the Performance of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors
Ali Naderi, Behrooz Abdi Tahne (2016)
SLD-MOSCNT: A new MOSCNT with step{linear doping pro_le in the source and drain regions
Behrooz Abdi Tahne, Ali Naderi (2016)
Double gate graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor with single halo pocket in channel region
Ali Naderi (2016)
T-CNTFET with Gate-Drain Overlap and Two Different Gate Metals: A Novel Structure with Increased Saturation Current
Ali Naderi, Behrooz Abdi Tahne (2016)
Attributes in the Performance and Design Considerations of Asymmetric Drain and Source Regions in Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors: Quantum Simulation Study
Ali Naderi, Seyed Abolfazl Ahmadmiriz (2016)
Double gate graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor with single halo pocket in channel region
Ali Naderi (2016)
Theoretical analysis of a novel dual gate metal-graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor
Ali Naderi (2015)
Electrically activated source extension grapheme nanoribbon field effect transistor : noval attributes and design considerations for suppressing short channel effects
Ali Naderi, Parviz Keshavarzi (2014)
Numerical Study of carbon nanotube field effect transistors in presence of carbon-carbon third nearest neighbor interactions
Ali Naderi (2014)
Conference Papers
Capacity Enhancement in Power System with Existing Switchgear using Resistive Superconducting Fault Current Limiter
mehrdad paymard, Vahid Abbasi, Ali Naderi (2018)
The performance analysis and comparison between n-i-n and p-i-n carbon nanotube field effect transistors
Ali Naderi (2017)
Lower leakage current and higher current ratio for carbon nanotube field effect transistors by symmetric downward doping at drain and source regions
Ali Naderi (2017)
Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor with Four Haloes of Impurity in the Channel and Two Different Dielectrics
Maryam Ghodrati, Ali Naderi (2015)
Designing a new MOSCNT using different doping profiles in source and drain regions
Behrooz Abdi Tahne, Ali Naderi (2015)
Numerical Simulation Study of Cut Off Frequency in Different Structures of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors
Ali Naderi (2014)
Novel Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor With Double Stepwise Doping Channel
Zohreh Mahmoudi, Ali Naderi (2014)
New Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor with Stepwise Doping Lightly Doped Drain and Source Regions
Maryam Ghodrati, Ali Naderi (2014)