2025 : 3 : 9
Afshin Moradi
Academic rank:
Basic and Applied Sciences
Department of Engineering Physics, Kermanshah University of Technology, Kermanshah, Iran
a.moradi [at] kut.ac.ir
Research activities
Research interests
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PhD. in Physics , Razi University , Iran
(2001 - 2004)
Thesis title: Quantum theory of light in nonlinear media with dispersion and absorption
BSc. in Physics , Razi University , Iran
(2005 - 2009)
Thesis title: Collective excitations in carbon nanotubes
PhD. in Physics , Razi University , Iran
(2005 - 2009)
Thesis title: Collective excitations in carbon nanotubes
MSc. in Physics , Razi University , Iran
(2001 - 2003)
Thesis title: Quantum theory of light in nonlinear media with dispersion and absorption
Research activities
Journal Papers
A new theoretical method for remotely assessing the health of date palm trees using the scattering/absorption ratio of obliquely incident electromagnetic waves
Afshin Moradi, Mohammed Bait-Suwailam (2025)
Comment On: Enhanced Coupling of Light From Subwavelength Sources Into a Hyperbolic Metamaterial Fiber
Afshin Moradi, Mohammed Bait-Suwailam (2024)
Comment on Sakli, H. Cylindrical Waveguide on Ferrite Substrate Controlled by Externally Applied Magnetic Field. Electronics 2021, 10, 474
Afshin Moradi (2024)
Magnetostatic waves in metallic rectangular waveguides filled with uniaxial negative permeability media
Afshin Moradi, Mohammed Bait-Suwailam (2024)
Comments on Controllable Metamaterial Loaded Waveguides Supporting Backward and Forward Waves
Afshin Moradi (2024)
Comment on: “Terahertz rectangular waveguides with inserted graphene films biased by light and their quasi-linear electromagnetic modeling” [J. Comput. Electron. 20 (2021) 169]
Afshin Moradi (2024)
A revisit to the quasistatic analysis of hyperbolic metamaterial supported core-shell nanoparticle
Afshin Moradi, Pankaj Choudhury (2023)
Screened plasmons of graphene near a perfect electric conductor
Afshin Moradi, Nurhan Tokan (2023)
Comment on: “Tunable surface waves supported by graphene-covered left-handed material structures” [Opt. Commun. 489 (2021) 126874]
Afshin Moradi (2023)
Magnetostatic microwaves in circular dielectric waveguide with anisotropic uniaxial μ-negative media
Afshin Moradi, Nurhan Tokan (2023)
Magnetostatic microwaves in circular metallic waveguides filled with uniaxial negative permeability media
Afshin Moradi, Nurhan Tokan (2022)
Electromagnetic energy density in hyperbolic metamaterials
Afshin Moradi, Pi Gang Luan (2022)
Electrostatic theory of rectangular waveguides filled with anisotropic media
Afshin Moradi (2021)
Group velocity of bulk magnetoplasmons in electric-gyrotropic thin films: Faraday configuration
Afshin Moradi (2021)
Strongly direction-dependent magnetoplasmons in mixed Faraday–Voigt configurations
Afshin Moradi, Martijn Wubs (2021)
Distribution of electromagnetic energy density in a dispersive and dissipative metamaterial
Afshin Moradi (2021)
Dispersive electrostatic waves on a cold magnetized electron gas half-space
Afshin Moradi (2021)
Longitudinal quasi-electrostatic waves in hyperbolic metasurfaces
Afshin Moradi (2021)
Electrostatic waves in photonic hypercrystals
Afshin Moradi (2021)
Electrostatic Wave Propagation in 1-D Magnetized Plasma Periodic Structures
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Electrostatic Dyakonov-like surface waves supported by metallic nanowire-based hyperbolic metamaterials
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Surface and bulk plasmons in cylindrical electric-gyrotropic wires
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Energy relations of plasma waves in planar two‐dimensional electron‐ion plasmas
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Optical properties of two-walled carbon nanotubes: quasi-static approximation
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Reflection of Electrostatic Waves on Plane Interface Between Magnetized Plasma and Insulator
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Electrostatic wave propagation in an array of metallic wires
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Plasmonic waves of graphene on a conducting substrate
Afshin Moradi (2019)
Propagation of electrostatic energy through a quantum plasma
Afshin Moradi (2019)
Theory of Goos-Hänchen shift in graphene: Energy-flux method
Afshin Moradi (2018)
Electromagnetic energy within an isolated C60 molecule
Afshin Moradi (2018)
Energy behaviour of extraordinary waves in magnetized quantum plasmas
Afshin Moradi (2018)
Theory of energy and power flow of plasmonic waves on single-walled carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Energy density and energy flow of plasmonic waves in bilayer graphene
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Bohm potential and inequality of group and energy transport velocities of plasmonic waves on metal-insulator waveguides
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Damping properties of plasmonic waves on graphene
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Comment on “Effects of electron exchange-correlation potential on electrostatic oscillations in single-walled carbon nanotubes”
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Energy density and energy flow of surface waves in a strongly magnetized graphene
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Electrostatic Surface Waves on Semi-Bounded Quantum Electron-Hole Semiconductor Plasmas
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Energy density and energy flow of magnetoplasmonic waves on graphene
Afshin Moradi (2017)
Surface and bulk plasmons of electron-hole plasma in semiconductor nanowires
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Collective excitations of spherical semiconductor nanoparticles
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Surface polaritons of a metal-insulator-metal curved slab
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Low-frequency surface waves on semi-bounded magnetized quantum plasma
Afshin Moradi (2016)
High-Frequency Waves in a Random Distribution of Metallic Nanoparticles in an External Magnetic Field
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Comment on “Propagation of a TE surface mode in a relativistic electron beam–quantum plasma system”
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Comment on “Surface electromagnetic wave equations in a warm magnetized quantum plasma”
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Effective medium theory for a system of C60 molecules
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Comment on “Propagation of surface waves on a semi-bounded quantum magnetized collisional plasma”
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Quantum nonlocal polarizability of spherical metal nanoparticles
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Electrostatic surface waves on a magnetized quantum plasma half-space
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Effective permittivity of single-walled carbon nanotube composites: Two-fluid model
Afshin Moradi, Hamid Reza Zangeneh, Firoozeh Karimi Moghadam (2015)
Spatial nonlocality in the infrared absorption spectra of polar semiconductor nanospheres
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Dispersion Properties of High- and Low-Frequency Electrostatic Oscillations of Plasma Spheres: Application to the Metallic Nanoparticles
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Extinction properties of metallic nanowires: Quantum diffraction and retardation effects
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Optical properties of random metal-dielectric nanocomposite films: nanoparticle size effects
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Quantum ion-acoustic wave oscillations on a quantum plasma half-space
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Infrared absorption spectra of a spatially dispersive polar semiconductor nanowire
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Quantum ion-acoustic wave oscillations in metallic nanowires
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory: Quantum nonlocal effects
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Plasmon modes of metallic nanowires including quantum nonlocal effects
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Quantum Nonlocal Polarizability of Metallic Nanowires
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Plasmon modes of spherical nanoparticles the effects of quantum nonlocality
Afshin Moradi (2015)
quantum effects on propagation of bulk and surface waves in a thin quantum plasma film
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Quantum nonlocal effects on optical properties of spherical nanoparticles
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Plasmon Hybridization in a symmetry-broken metallic nanotube above a substrat
Afshin Moradi (2015)
surface plasmon oscillations on a quantum plasma half-space
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Plasmonic waves of random metal-dielectric nanocomposite films
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Electromagnetic wave propagation in a random distribution of c60 molecules
Afshin Moradi (2014)
Surface plasmon modes of a nanoegg above a substrate
Afshin Moradi (2014)
Multiple plasmon excitations of C60 dimers
Afshin Moradi (2014)
Extinction properties of an isolated c60 molecule
Afshin Moradi (2014)
Plasmonic modes and extinction properties of a random nanocomposite cylinder
Afshin Moradi (2014)
Guided dispersion characteristics of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes in the presence of dielectric media
Afshin Moradi (2010)
Dispersion properties of electrostatic sound wave modes in carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2010)
Dust ion-acoustic wave oscillations in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2009)
Microwave absorption of magnetized hydrogen plasma in carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2009)
Plasmon hybridization in metallic nanotubes with a nonconcentric core
Afshin Moradi (2009)
Quantum ion-acoustic wave oscillations in C60 molecule
Afshin Moradi (2009)
Comment on: The single-wall carbon nanotube waveguides and excitation of their σ+π plasmons by an electron beam
Afshin Moradi (2009)
Magnetostatic modes hybridization in left-handed cylindrical shells
Afshin Moradi, Ali Reza Meidanchi (2009)
Electron-ion quantum plasma excitations in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2008)
Plasmon hybridization in metallic nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2008)
Electron–hole plasma excitations in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2008)
Plasma wave propagation in a pair of carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi (2008)
Plasmon dispersion in metallic carbon nanotubes in the presence of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation
Afshin Moradi, Heidar Khosravi (2007)
Collective excitations in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Afshin Moradi, Heidar Khosravi (2007)
Comment on: Electromagnetic wave propagation in single-wall carbon nanotubes
Heidar Khosravi, Afshin Moradi (2007)
Conference Papers
surface plasmon modes in metallic nanowire dimers
Afshin Moradi (2016)
Plasmonic modes of symmetry-broken metallic nanotube dimers
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Propagation of TE and TM surface plasmon polariton modes in cylindrical metal-insulator-metal structures
Afshin Moradi (2015)
Theory of Electrostatic Waves in Hyperbolic Metamaterials
Afshin Moradi (2023)
Canonical Problems in the Theory of Plasmonics: From 3D to 2D Systems
Afshin Moradi (2020)
Research interests
Oscillations and Waves in Plasmas
Narjes Sadat Najafi Esfahani
Propagation of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Energies in Quantum Plasmas
Firoozeh Karimi Moghadam
Investigation of optical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube composites and C60 molecule composites
Fatemeh Habibi
Investigiation of optical properties of non-homogeneous hydrogen plasma thin film in the presence of carbon nanotubes
Shervin Firozfar
Surface polaritons in left-handed materials of different shapes and symmetries
Elham Ebrahimi
Bulk and surface plasmon excitations in metallic nanowires
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