Nowadays, session initiation protocol (SIP) is the
most important application layer protocol for multi-media to
create, modify, and terminate the sessions. SIP is the platform
of next generation networks. In this way, SIP should
be able to respond to the needs of such a largely-used network.
One of the major problems in SIP networks is overload.
The basic mechanism embedded in SIP cannot appropriately
resolve the due problem by purely rejecting requests, which
may cause collapse in network. Many methods have been
proposed to overcome overload in SIP, among which, multiagent
systems are new agent-based and increasingly growing
approaches. Multi-agent system is a powerful tool to model
and develop the complex large scale distributed systems. In
SIP network, each agent may point out to a server which is in
interactionwith the others. As a result, a distributed and complex
system is simply modeled. The due complexity can be
reduced by holonic organization. In this paper, SIP network
is divided into geographical areas in which each holon controls
an area. The entire network is controlled in hierarchical
structure of holons. Holonics structure can be dynamically
changed based on the circumstances parameters and the status
of the network during execution. Holons implement an
end-to-end window-based method. This method offers an
appropriate windowsize for edge servers to control load from
the beginning of the network and prevent network overload.
The simulation results confirm improved throughput, as well
as better reduced call setup delay, rapid response to change
and fairness.