April 28, 2024
Mohammad Javadian

Mohammad Javadian

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Education: Ph.D in Electronic Engineering
Faculty: Faculty of Information Technology


A novel density-based fuzzy clustering algorithm for low dimensional feature space
Type Article
Fuzzy clustering; Density-based clustering; Fuzzy Unsupervised Active Learning Method (FUALM); Fuzzy data
Researchers Mohammad Javadian، Saeed Bagheri Shouraki، Soroush Sheikhpour Kourabbaslou


In this paper, we propose a novel density-based fuzzy clustering algorithm based on Active Learning Method (ALM), which is a methodology of soft computing inspired by some hypotheses claiming that human brain interprets information in pattern-like images rather than numerical quantities. The proposed clustering algorithm, Fuzzy Unsupervised Active Learning Method (FUALM), is performed in two main phases. First, each data point spreads in the feature space just like an ink drop that spreads on a sheet of paper. As a result of this process, densely connected ink patterns are formed that represent clusters. In the second phase, afuzzifying process is applied in order to summarize the effects of all members of each cluster. Finding arbitrary shaped clusters, noise robustness and proposing fuzzy clusters are some of the advantages of our proposed clustering algorithm. The algorithm is described in full details and its performance is evaluated and compared with well-known clustering algorithms on synthetic and real-world datasets.