September 8, 2024
Siroos Hemmati

Siroos Hemmati

Academic rank: Assistant professor
Education: Ph.D in Electrical Eng.
Phone: 1239
Faculty: Faculty ofٍٍ Electrical Engineering


New combined impedance‐source network inverter with high gain performance in low shoot‐through and improved quality factors
Type Article
low THD, quasi Z-source inverter, shoot-through, simple boost control
Researchers Farshid Yousefi Moghadam، Siroos Hemmati، Vahid Abbasi


In this paper, a new combined impedance-source network inverter (CISI) with high voltage gain in low duty cycle is presented. With common ground between the input source and the inverter bridge and a continuous input current, the proposed converter is a suitable choice for renewable energy applications. The duty cycle of the inverter switches is low, leading to a reduction in losses and improving the efficiency. Also, due to the small duty cycle, the modulation index can be increased, and as a result, the quality of output voltages and currents is greatly improved. The proposed circuit has no switch in the input impedance network, and the number of components is reasonable compared to other works. Another advantage of the proposed converter is the low voltage stress on its capacitors and diodes. The proposed circuit is designed and tested at 180 W. The experimental results and the calculated values are close to each other, verifying the accuracy of the analysis.