In phase-change applications, once the melting process is completed, the natural convective heat transfer
of liquid material may be promoted or degraded by the fins, which is the main motivation of this
research. For this reason, the natural convection heat transfer inside a PCM container that can be a
representative model for PV/PCM systems is numerically investigated in this study by considering three
aspect ratios (AR ¼ 1, 2 and 4), three Rayleigh numbers (Ra ¼ 104, 105 and 106), two types of fins as
rectangular and tree-like branching fin, and three different length-to-height ratio of rectangular fin (w/
H ¼ 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5). The rates of increment and decrement are presented taking the finless enclosure as
the reference case. The computed results revealed that the natural convection is promoted up to 20%,
depending on Ra and fin length by the inclusion of fins when the AR ¼ 1, while it is degraded down by
5.5% for AR ¼ 4. Interestingly, at AR ¼ 2, the percentage increase and decrease of mean Nu numbers are
slighter compared to other aspect ratios. Besides, it is also noticed in this study that utilizing a tree-like
branching fin is not as effective as a rectangular fin with the same mass.